Jun 1, 2011

Indian Navy 10+2 Cadet (B.Tech) Entry Scheme (Permanent Commission) Course Commencing Jan 2012

The Indian Navy: Be Part of Cutting Edge Technology, Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala
Indian Navy inviting applications for 10+2 Cadet (B.Tech) Entry Scheme (Permanent Commission) Course Commencing Jan 2012
10+2 Cadet (B.Tech) Entry Scheme (Permanent Commission)
Age Limit: Between 16-1/2 to 19 years
Qualifications: Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 pattern) or its equivalent
Physical Standards
·                 Height and Weight: Minimum height Male 157 cms, with correlated weight
·                 Eye Sight: distant vision 6/12, 6/12 correctable to 6/6 with glasses.
On successful completion of training, candidates will be granted Permanent Commission in Executive or Technical (Engineering, Electrical or Naval Architect) Branches of the Indian Navy.
Pay Scale
·                 Sub Lieutenant: PB-3/15600-39100 + GP Rs.5400 + MSP Rs.6000
·                 Lieutenant: PB-3/15600-39100 + GP Rs.6100 + MSP Rs.6000
·                 Lieutenant: CDR PB-3/15600-39100 + GP Rs.6600 + MSP Rs.6000
·                 Commander: PB-4/37400-67000 + GP Rs.8000 + MSP Rs.6000
·                 Captain: PB-4/37400-67000 + GP Rs.8700 + MSP Rs.6000
·                 Commodore: PB-4/37400-67000 + GP Rs.8900 + MSP Rs.6000
·                 Rear Admiral: PB-4/37400-67000 + GP Rs.10000
·                 Vice Admiral & Equivalent: HAG Scale/67000-79000
·                 Vice Admiral & Equivalent: HAG Scale/75500-80000
·                 VCNS/C-IN-C/Equiv: Apex 80000
·                 Admiral/Equiv: 90000
Completed Application Forms in the prescribed format on plain A4 size paper should be reach to the below address within 28.6.2011
Post Bag No. 4
Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi-110011
Last Date: 28th June, 2011

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