Jul 8, 2011




Dated the 4th July, 2011

A Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for drawing up a select panel for filling up vacant posts of Section Officer in the pay band ofPB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay of Rs. 4800 falling under "Limited Departmental Competitive Examination Quota" at the Headquarters of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) will be held by the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) at New Delhi from 16th to 18th August, 2011. The details of the vacancies are as follows:-

S.No.  Category        No. of Posts
1.  Un-reserved          17
2.  Scheduled Caste      06
3.  Schedule Tribe       02

                   Total 25

The aforesaid vacancies are tentative and liable to be changed at the time of declaration of the final result.
1. The Limited Departmental Competition Examination will be confined to the Assistants/Personal Assistants/Sr. Sales Assistants at the ICAR Headquarters who have
completed three years of regular service in the grade as on 1st July, 2011.

2. The decision of the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the examination shall be final.
3. No candidate will be admitted to the examination unless he holds a certificate of admission from the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board.
4. A candidate who is declared by the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board to be guilty of: -

(i) Obtaining support for his candidature by the following means, namely: -
a) Offering illegal gratification to, or
b) Applying pressure on, or
c) Blackmailing, or threatening to blackmail any person connected with the conduct of the examination, or

(ii) Impersonating, or
(iii) Procuring impersonation by any person, or
(iv) Submitting fabricated document or documents which have been tampered with
(v) Making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material
information, or
(vi) Resorting to the following means in connection with his candidature for the
examination, namely
a) Obtaining copy of question paper through improper means,
b) Finding out the particulars of the persons connected with secret work
relating to the examination or
(vii ) Using unfair means during the examination, or
(viii) Writing obscene matter or drawing obscene sketches in the scripts, or
(ix) Misbehaving in the examination hall including tearing of the scripts, provoking fellow examinees to boycott examination, creating a disorderly scene and the
like, or
(x) Harassing or doing bodily harm to the staff employed by the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board for the conduct of their examination, or
(xi) Violating any of the instructions issued to candidates along with their admission certificates permitting them to take the examination, or
(xii) Attempting to commit or as the case may be abetting the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board of all or any of the acts specified in the foregoing clauses,
may in addition to rendering himself liable to criminal prosecution, be liable: -

a) To be disqualified by the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board from the examination for which he is a candidate and/or
b) To be debarred either permanently or for a specific period:
(i) By the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board from any examination or selection held by them;
(ii) By the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, from any employment under them; and
(xiii) To disciplinary action under the appropriate rules;

5. After the examination, candidates will be arranged by the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board in the order of merit as disclosed by the aggregate marks finally awarded to each candidate in the select panel/list and in that order equal to the number of posts to be filled. From the select panel/list, a reserve panel/list may also be prepared in accordance with the relevant instructions/guidelines in force.
Provided that candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes may, to the extent the number of vacancies reserved for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes cannot be filled on the basis of the general standard, be recommended by the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board by a relaxed standard, to make up the deficiency in the reserved quota, subject to the fitness of these candidates for inclusion in the Select List irrespective of their ranks in the order of merit at the examination and in this connection, relevant Government of India instructions/guidelines in force may be followed.

Note: Candidates should clearly understand that this is a competItLve and not a qualifying examination. The number of persons to be included in the Select List on the
results of the examination is entirely within the competence of Indian Council of Agricultural Research to decide. No candidate will, therefore, have any claim for
inclusion in the Select List on the basis of his performance in this examination, as a matter of right.

6. The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board in their discretion shall decide the form and manner of communication of the result of the examination to individual
candidates and the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board will not enter into correspondence with them regarding the result.

7. Success in the examination confirms no right to selection unless Indian Council of Agricultural Research are satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered
necessary, that the candidate, having regard to his conduct in service, is eligible and suitable in all respects for selection.

8. Provided that the decision as to eligibility for selection in the case of any candidate recommended for selection by the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board
shall be taken in consultation with the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board.

9. A candidate who after applying for admission to the examination or after appearing at it, resigns his appointment or otherwise quits the service or serves his
connection with it or whose services are terminated by his Department or who is appointed to an ex-cadre post or another service or transferred and does not have a lien in the Assistants' Grade/Supdt. (Admn.) or the Personal Assistants' Grade/Sr. Steno of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research/ICAR Institutes, will not be eligible for appointment on the result of this examination. This, however, does not apply to a person who has been appointed on deputation to an ex-cadre post with the approval of the competent authority.

10. The plant of examination, syllabi and application form etc. for the examination are given in the Appendix.
11. Candidates are requested to submit their Applications on the prescribed form only. Application on a form other than the prescribed one by the Board will not he

12. Interested persons who are eligible to appear in the aforesaid examination may send their applications in the prescribed application form through proper channel so as to reach the undersigned latest by the 20th July, 2011. Applications received after the closing date are liable to be rejected.

1. Estt. II Section, ICAR. It is requested that a copy of the Notice may be sent to each of the eligible Assistants/Personal Assistants/Sr. Sales Assistants including those who are on long leave, or on deputation to other departments.
2. Sr. PPS to Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi-ll0001.
3. PPS to Secretary, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi-I 10001.
4. Director (Admn.), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi-II 000 1.
5. Under Secretary (Admn.), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi-I 10001. It is requested to ensure that this Notice reaches all concerned in time.
6. PPS to Chairman, ASRB
7. PPS to Member (M), ASRB
8. Controller of Examinations, ASRB / T.O. Conf. Cell, ASRB.
9. Under Secretary (Examination), ASRB
10. Guard file of the section.

Source:- http://www.icar.org.in/files/Notice-Limited-Departmental-Competitive-Examination-2011-posts-Section-Officer-ICAR-Hqrs..pdf

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