Aug 26, 2011

Indian Council of Agricultural Research Recruitment Personal Assistant August 2011

Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research
(Indian Council ofAgriculturul Research)
Bhimtal - 263136, Distt. Nainital (Uttaranchal)

F.No. I-4(2 )/2011-Estt.Vol.II.2072-2231 / Dated : 12.08.2011
I. All Directors/Projec t Directors of [CAR lnstitutes/NlcCs/Bur eax/Pr oject Directorate/Zonal
Coord inators.
2. The Under Secretary (Adrnn.), [CAR, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi- I I 10 0 J4.
3. The Deputy Secretary (CS ), [CAR, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi-I [0 014.
Subjcct : Filling Lip of the post of Personal Assistant and Assistant at DCFR, Bhimtal, Distt. Nainital
(Uttarakha nd).
It is proposed to fill up the following vacant posts on promot ion/permanent absorption /deputation basis
from amongst the eligible cand idates working at [CAR Headquarters, Research Inst itute s, Bureax, NRC, Zonal
Project Director as per details give n below:-

G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, inviting application for the post of SRF

1-Post Name : Personal Assistant
•Qualifications :- Stenographers Grade III (PB I Rs 5200-20200/- + GP of Rs 2400/-) having at least 10 yrs regular service in the grade or working on a analogous post on rgular basis.
•No of  Post : 01
•Pay Scale : Rs 9300-34800/-+ GP Rs 4200

2-Post Name : Assistant
•Qualifications :- Eligible UDC’s in the pay band I (Rs 5200-20200/- + GP Rs 2400/-) havin 5 yrs of regular service in the grade or holding analogous post.
•No of  Post : 01
•Pay Scale : Rs 9300-34800/-+ GP Rs 4200

HOW TO APPLY :- Interested candidates may forward their application to Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal, Dist. – Nainital (Uttarakhand). on or before 20-09-2011

For more information:-

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