Director, IIHR invites applications from the eligible candidates for filling up of Technical posts at IIHR Headquarters, Bangalore and at its Regional Stations Chettalli (Kodagu) and Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gonikoppal (Kodagu), Karnataka under the Administrative Control of I.C.A.R. The post is of permanent nature and at present, is filled on temporary basis. The appointee will be made permanent subject to satisfactory performance during the probationary period.
Subject Matter Specialist(SMS) / T-6 (Soil Science)
One Post for KVK, Gonikoppal (Kodagu)
(Reserved for SC)
Pay Band + Grade Pay
Rs.15600-39100 + 5400
Master’s degree in Agriculture (Soil Science) from a recognized university.
Knowledge of local language (Kannada)
Age limit
18 – 35 years
T-3 (Field Technician)
One Post at CHES, Chettalli
(Reserved for SC)
Pay Band + Grade Pay
Rs.5200-20200 + 2800
Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture/Horticulture from a recognized university
Age limit
18 – 30 years
T-3 (Lab. Technician)
One Post at IIHR, Bangalore
(Reserved for OBC – Physically Handicapped)
Pay Band + Grade Pay
Rs.5200-20200 + 2800
Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture/Horticulture from a recognized university
Age limit
18 – 30 years
T-1(Field Technician)
Three posts (OBC) at IIHR, Bangalore
One post (UR) at CHES, Chettalli
Pay Band + Grade Pay
Rs.5200-20200 + 2000
Matriculate with at least One year certificate in Agriculture/Horticulture from a recognized institution
Age limit
18 – 30 years
T-1 (Tractor Driver) *
One Post (OBC) at IIHR, Bangalore
Pay Band + Grade Pay
Rs.5200-20200 + 2000
i) Matriculate from a recognized Board
ii) Possession of a valid and appropriate driving licence from prescribed Govt. authority (the candidate will have to pass the practical skill test to be taken by an appropriate Committee of the Institute/Hqrs.)
Age limit
18 – 30 years
* This post shall be filled only on receipt of confirmation and approval from the Council (ICAR).
General Instructions for candidates:
1. Age Limit: Crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications from candidates. There will be no maximum age limit for ICAR employees. Age relaxation is applicable to OBC/SC/ST/Physically Handicapped candidates to the extent permissible under the rules.
2. Relaxation in upper age limit subject to submission of the requisite certificate.
a. By 5 years for SC /ST candidates for vacancies reserved for them.
b. By 3 years for OBC candidates for vacancies reserved for them.
c. By 10 years for physically handicapped (15 years for SCs / STs and 13 years for OBCs for vacancies reserved for them.)
3. Application forms for Sl. No.1 (T-6) is to be obtained on request from the Director, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore – 560 089. Request for application form should specify the advertisement No. and Post and should be accompanied by a self addressed envelope of the size of 23 x 10 cms (stamped for Rs.30/- (Rupees Thirty Only). A candidate must submit alongwith each completed application a crossed Demand Draft for Rs.300/- as application fee (drawn in favour of “ICAR unit – IIHR” payable at Bangalore) (No fee for SC/ST candidates). Applications complete in all respects, should reach the Director, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore – 560 089, within 45 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
4. Applications for Sl.No.2 , 3, 4 & 5 (T-3 & T-1) may be made on plain paper in the prescribed format given below containing particulars / information duly supported by attested copies of educational / technical experience certificate etc. The applications complete in all respects, should reach the Director, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore – 560 089, within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement along with a demand draft for Rs.200/- drawn in favour of “ICAR unit – IIHR” payable at Bangalore. No fees for SC/ST candidates.
5. Persons already employed should route their application through proper channel.
6. No TA will be paid to the candidates called for interview / test. However, unemployed SC/ST candidates called for interview / test will be paid traveling expenses to the extent permissible under the rules (on production of proof).
7. At present, the place of posting is as indicated in the advertisement. However, the same is liable to be transferred anywhere in India under IIHR/ICAR.
8. The appointment under Indian Council of Agricultural Research will be governed by New Pension Scheme introduced by Govt. of India w.e.f. 01.01.2004 mutatis mutandis and as amended, clarified or modified from time to time.
9. No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates in connection with the process of selection/ test/ interview/ appointment. Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification.
10. Separate application should be submitted for each post.
11. Applicants should have registered their names in Employment Exchange, otherwise their applications will not be considered.
12. Applications received after the due date for whatsoever the reason including postal delays will not be entertained.
13. Mere fulfilling of the essential qualification does not entitle the candidates to be called for written Test. Director, IIHR, Bangalore reserves the right to short-list the candidates for test/ interview, depending on the number of applications received.
14. Information of this advertisement is also available on IIHR Website
15. The Director, IIHR reserves the right either to fill up all the posts or any of them without assigning any reasons thereof.
For More Information:-
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