Dec 18, 2011

Scientific Assistant / Scientific Officer Positions Mumbai – Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

2 Vacancies at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai for Diploma (Engg.) candidates. Apply Before 24th December 2011

Name of the Institute: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Advertisement No. 28/2011

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research invites applications for the following posts:

Job Number: 01
 Job Designation: Scientific Assistant
 Number of Positions: 01 (One)
 Pay Scale: Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay : Rs.4200/- ; Time : Rs.27908/-
 Educational Qualification: SSC/HSC and Diploma in Electronics / Telecommunication / Electrical / Industrial Electronics with minimum 60% marks OR B.Sc. with Physics/Electronics with minimum 60% marks OR Equivalent from a university/reputed institution.
 Desirable: i) Must have atleast 6 months experience on analog and digital circuit testing or designing. (ii) Experience with softwares like Labview, Matlab, C, C++, VB. (iii) Experience in PCB layout.
 Job Description: To work on Astrosat Payloads, candidates have to work at field stations of TIFR, DAE and ISRO for prolonged periods.
 Age Limit: Below 28 years

Job Number: 02
 Job Designation: Scientific Officer
 Number of Positions: 01 (One)
 Pay Scale: Rs. 5400/- ; Time: Rs.44,536/-
 Educational Qualification: First Class B.E./B.Tech. in Electronics/Computer Science/Telecommunications with 60% marks. 1 – 2 years of experience in support and service.
 Job Description: Should independently work on network projects. Have experience in deploying and maintaining antivirus package for a 1200 node network. Have experience in securing LAN and WAN. Experience in configuring core layer 3 switches. Experience in IP subnetting and VLAN configuration. Wireless network setup and security. Knowledge of Linux/Unix and Windows operating system. Should attend user calls to maintain desktops/laptops on Linux and Windows. Have to maintain SLA for critical equipment with service provider for support and supply of spares. Should be active and open for acquiring new skills. Should have good communication and interpersonal skills.
 Age Limit: 31 Years

Location of Posting: Mumbai

How To Apply For Opening: Applications giving full details together with copies of relevant certificates/ testimonials in the following format and superscribing the post applied for & Serial Number of the post on the envelope should reach Establishment Officer on or before 24/12/2011.Application format : (1) Advertisement Number. (2) Name, Serial Number of the post. (3) Name of the applicant. (4) (a) Date of birth (attach photocopy of certificate). (b) Age as on July 1, 2011. (5) Nationality. (6) Whether belonging to SC / ST / OBC (attach photocopy of certificate). (7) Disability (attach photocopy of certificate). (8) Permanent address. (9) Address for correspondence. (10) Telephone numbers for contact. (a) Landline (b) Mobile. (11) Email address. (12) Qualifications (attach photocopies of certificates or mark lists). (13) Experience with details of organization, post held, scale of pay, basic pay (attach photocopies of certificates). (14) Names & addresses of two referees (attach certificates). (15) Have you at any time been called for interview in the Institute If so, give details. (16) Signature of the candidate. Submission of photocopies of all the certificates stated in the application are essential.

General Conditions: Outstation candidates called for interview for the above posts will be paid single Second Class return train fare for the journey by the shortest route from the nearest railway station of their place of residence to the place of interview on the production of photocopies of onward and return journey tickets. The Institute reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. Mere fulfilling the essential and desirable qualifications will not entitle an applicant to be called for interview. More vacancies may also be filled through this advertisement. The Institute reserves the right not to fill any/some posts herein advertised. Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate. Please refer TIFR website also for details.

Last Date To Apply: 24th December 2011

Contact Address: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, National Centre of the Government of India for Nuclear Science & Mathematics, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005

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